Posted on November 14, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Posted on September 7, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
18th October 2023, 10:00-11:30am via Microsoft Teams
Session Objectives:
- To improve awareness of themes and learning from a recently completed DHR/SAR.
- For learning to be cascaded and applied to practice within organisations.
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Posted on August 23, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Friday 13th October 11:00 – 13:00 via Microsoft Teams
Delivered by Stephanie Uprichard & Jenny Cousins; East of England (EoE) NHS Gambling Service.
Session Objectives:
- To have an understanding of how to have conversations around suspected or reported gambling.
- To have an awareness of the tools/questionnaires that can be used to identify gambling harms for the person or affected other.
- To have an understanding about more about types of gambling and the impact it can have.
- To have an understanding of the types of harm reduction interventions available.
- To have an understanding of what support the EoE NHS Gambling Service can offer.
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Posted on July 19, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Wednesday 11th October 2023- 10:00-11:30am via Microsoft Teams
Delivered by Nikki Taylor- Next Chapter, Alison Hawkins,-Chelmsford City Council, Lindsey Gay- Basildon Council, Sarah Lander-South Essex Homes.
Session objectives include:
To increase awareness of:
- The role of Housing Services in supporting DA Survivors.
- The housing landscape and the challenges DA Survivors face.
- Housing approaches to DA.
- The importance of homelessness prevention.
To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:
Posted on July 24, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Tuesday 26th September 2023, 9:30 to 13:00 Online
Target Audience:
Front line workers and managers – those working with victims and families affected by domestic abuse, so called Honour Based Abuse, Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage.
Learning Objectives:
To have a better understanding of:
- Definitions of Female Genital Mutilation & why families practice FGM
- Types of FGM and potential community issues
- Impact of health on FGM for victims, including children – Survivor Stories
- Risk indicators before / after FGM has taken place
- Legislation – Mandatory Reporting / FGM Protection Orders / Serious Crime Act 2015
- How to engage and gain confidence to support families to safeguard the child more effectively – ‘how to start / have the conversation’
- How to assess, manage and refer using the risk assessment to protect & increase safety of victims and children
- SET (local) guidance and the SET FGM pathway
- Breast Ironing / Flattening.
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Posted on June 6, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Friday 8th September 10:00 – 12:00 via Microsoft Teams
The workshop will focus on a case study of an individual with a range of multiple and complex needs, including domestic abuse, with an opportunity to discuss and reflect on their experiences /contact with various services. The aims of the session are to:
• Raise awareness amongst partners as to how the ‘System’ is currently perceived by those using it.
• Improve understanding of current barriers for individuals and family/carers accessing services.
• Look internally and externally at service provision and identify gaps in delivery.
• Reflect on what can be done to improve provision and support system change.
• Consider future opportunities to support those with multiple and complex needs within our services with the input from those with lived experience.
• Reflect on how we can work together to achieve system change.
To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time:

Posted on April 12, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Thursday 11th May 2023- 10:00-11:30am via Microsoft Teams
The MDT pilot in Tendring, works with whole families where there are complex issues such as domestic abuse, mental ill health and drug & alcohol issues in a client centred, trauma informed way to provide holistic support to maintain positive change.
Session objectives include:
- To have an understanding of the MDT Model and how it works.
- To have an awareness of the successes and challenges of this approach.
- To consider how this approach could be applied to practice across partner agencies.
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Posted on March 21, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Monday 22nd May 2023, 10:00 – 13:00 via Microsoft Teams
Session Objectives:
To develop an understanding of:
- The statistics around male victims of domestic abuse
- Societal belief systems
- Barriers to help seeking for male victims/survivors
- How to support male victims/survivors of domestic abuse
About the ManKind Initiative
The Mankind Initiative operate a national helpline receiving over 2,000 calls per year, provide training to statutory bodies, employers and charities and host the Male Domestic Abuse Network information portal. The charity provides advice, information and support to government departments, police forces and other agencies. They lead awareness campaigns to ensure men and their children get access to the help and support that they need. ManKind
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Posted on February 22, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Tuesday 25th April 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 via Microsoft Teams
Session Objectives:
- To have an understanding of local drug and alcohol use
- To have awareness of the signs and effects of drug and alcohol use
- To have an understanding of the services provided by Southend STARS
To Southend Treatment and Recovery Service (STARS) support people who have issues with drugs and/or alcohol and want to make a positive change. They also support the family and friends of people who are worried about their loved ones substance use or have been affected by it.
The Southend STARS service is now provided by Forward Trust and is offered to individuals from Southend on Sea, aged 18 and over and who have issues with drugs and/or alcohol.
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Posted on January 6, 2023 by Alison Gilmour -
Wednesday 15th March 2023, 14:00 – 15:00 via Microsoft Teams
Session Objectives:
- Increased understanding of the statistical relationship between domestic abuse and suicide.
- Increased awareness why people impacted by domestic abuse are dying by suicide.
- Increased knowledge of how front line practitioners can amend their practice to reduce the risk of suicide amongst the people they support.
About your Trainer
Tim Woodhouse is the Kent and Medway ICS Suicide Prevention Programme Manager, based in Kent County Council’s Public Health Team.
To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link below in your calendar to access at the appropriate time: