Archives: Trainings

Domestic Abuse Bitesize learning – MARAC


Tuesday 19th May 2020, the training is FREE of charge

This will be an online training session delivered on Microsoft Teams

Target audience:  Front line workers and managers- those working with families and perpetrators affected by domestic abuse. This specific training will be an introduction to the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

Aim: To increase awareness and understanding of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) as well as an increased confidence in the relevant referral pathways.

SETDAB Privacy Statement

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Domestic Abuse Board are collecting this information for the purposes of managing training events.  Your responses will be treated in confidence and will not be passed to a 3rd party unless required to do so by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.

Charging Policy

Please note this training is free of charge.

To apply for a space please click here.

Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness E’Learning Guidance

SETDAB have updated our Basic Domestic Abuse Awareness E-learning package which can now be accessed on the ESCA Academy partnership e-learning platform.

This site is free to use for organisations across Southend, Essex & Thurrock. Please visit the site and register your details. The e-learning package covers the following learning outcomes:

  • To recognise domestic violence and abuse and be aware of the dynamics, impact and the effects on individuals, agencies and society.
  • To understand the complexities that often surround Domestic Abuse.
  • To be aware of referral pathways for professional support and know how to access it.

The training should take you approx. 60 minutes to complete and on completion you will receive a certificate.

You can access the training by registering/logging on here

Alpha Vesta – CPD Accredited DA Training Workshops for Workplaces, Businesses and Organisations

Pilot Project Overview

Alpha Vesta attempt to bridge this gap by encouraging workplaces, businesses and organisations to invest in robust, grassroots, practical training and policy development services in a preventative and early intervention approach.

Bridging the Gap is a 6 month pilot project funded by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex and delivered by Essex based, Alpha Vesta CIC. The project’s aim is to ‘bridge the gap’ between the Corporate, Public and Third Sector in order to Break the Cycle of Domestic Abuse across Communities in Essex.

 What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour which is characterised by the exercise of control and the misuse of power by one person over another within an intimate relationship or within a family. Domestic abuse can take the form of physical abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, financial and economic abuse, sexual abuse and coercive control as well as stalking and harassment after a relationship ends. Sometimes a combination of more than one of these is occurring and, in some cases, many of them will have occurred together.

Impact of Domestic Abuse across Communities and Society

With 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men experiencing domestic abuse at some point during their adult life, this is an enormous proportion of any community. It’s not only the direct victims that are affected, but their children, other relatives, friends, work colleagues, neighbours or those connected through outside organisations.

A Home Office report released in January 2019 estimated the social and economic cost of domestic abuse in England and Wales to be approximately £66 billion per year. The costs impact directly on public services across the country through physical and mental health costs, criminal justice costs, social services costs, housing and refuge costs, civil legal costs and lost economic output.

The Home Office Report calculated the average unit cost of a domestic abuse victim at £34,015 whilst preventative costs were calculated at a mere £5 per victim.

In an Essex report released in November 2019, Police reporting of domestic abuse cases continues to rise with a third of all violent crime in the county being recorded as domestic related. The number of unreported cases is thought to exceed that of those reported to Police and many cases often appear later through other agencies such as social care, mental health services and hospitals as well as a variety of other organisations. Other cases continue to remain hidden as those coming into contact with potential victims and perpetrators of abuse lack the awareness and understanding to recognise the signs and respond safely.

Impact of Domestic Abuse in the Workplace

A recent study commissioned by Vodafone highlights the damaging impact of domestic abuse in the workplace. Figures released in November 2019 indicate that 574,000 working women have suffered domestic abuse in the last year and Home Office research that £1.9 billion of the total cost of domestic abuse is a direct cost to the economy through regular businesses and workplaces.

These costs are associated with repeated absences and lateness, ongoing mental health and medical issues, lower productivity, distracted and frightened workers and increased insurance premiums. An astonishing 75% of people experiencing domestic abuse will be targeted at their place of work because the abuser knows they will be there and some 21 per cent of victims take time off work as a direct result of abuse due to Court hearings and concerns about their children. For nearly a quarter of those, the longest absence was more than a week. Domestic abuse has a direct impact on career progression for any victims and sadly some victims of abuse end up being killed in the workplace by their abuser – with it being a consistent feature of many serious case reviews.

Important Role of the Workplace

Domestic abuse exists across communities regardless of socio-economic factors. Many cases remain hidden until they escalate into serious violence and incidents requiring police, health or social care intervention. An employer, manager or work colleague that is equipped to understand what domestic abuse is and respond effectively and safely to any signs within their workplace is a valuable preventative and early intervention tool benefiting the victim, the workplace itself and wider community.

Businesses and organisations are also coming into contact, on a daily basis, with customers, clients or service users but are ill-equipped to recognise and respond to any signs of abuse. It could be that signs of financial and economic abuse could be noticed in a bank, insurance company or solicitor’s office. Signs of psychological abuse could be noticed in a restaurant or bar by a receptionist or waitress. Signs of coercive control could be noticed by a hairdresser or dentist and signs of stalking could be noticed by staff at a gym or a housing officer.

A recent study of some Essex and Kent based DHR’s (domestic homicide reviews), where a victim of abuse was killed, Alpha Vesta could identify, on average, 12 workplaces that came into contact with both the victim and perpetrator across their journey but will have been ill-equipped to recognise and respond to any signs of abuse. These included solicitors, dentists, gyms, hairdressers, church groups, schools, private hospitals and healthcare providers and insurance companies.

Creating effective and sustainable change through the Workplace

Alpha Vesta have created CPD Accredited Training Workshops for Workplaces, Businesses and Organisations to equip them with the skills to understand, recognise and respond to those showing signs that they may be experiencing domestic abuse or using abusive behaviours. This creates a culture of understanding across communities but also benefits workplaces directly. Alpha Vesta are passionate about reaching both victims and perpetrators before they become embroiled within the criminal justice system or health and social care sectors.

Bridging the Gap Pilot Project is an exciting opportunity for your Workplace, Business or Organisation to engage with the following: –

  • An Increased Awareness Campaign across Essex on the Impact of Domestic Abuse.
  • Presentations and Talks across Communities to foster an Increased Understanding.
  • CPD Accredited Training Workshops.
  • Bespoke Policy Development Services.
  • Ongoing Consultancy and Support.

These services will be available free of charge to Businesses and Organisations across Essex from January 2020 due to the pilot project being funded from the Community Safety Development Fund of The Police Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex.

Visit Alpha Vesta’s website at to find out more about their work. If your business or organisation would like to take part in the pilot project or discuss it further, please contact the Alpha Vesta team at or 01245 791281.