SETDAB Lecture Series: Dr Emma Katz, Coercive Control & Children and YP

Thursday 12 December 2024, 13:00 – 14:30, via Microsoft Teams.

Delivered by Dr Emma Katz. 

Target Audience: Frontline workers and managers – those working with victims and families affected by domestic abuse.

Learning Objectives:

  • To gain an understanding of how the coercive control of perpetrators in families and after separation harms children & young people.
  • To be confident in recognising the protective parenting efforts and strengths of victim-survivor parents.
  • To be aware of how professionals can effectively write about a perpetrator’s coercive control and its harms.
  • To be aware of how professionals can work with children and young people who are victims of coercive control in empowering ways.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please copy this link and add it to your calendar, so you can access it at the appropriate time: